NTMY works 2022

Water Bill Back print , 2022 Performance with Silkscreen printing on body A silkscreen stretcher with a burned image of my tap water bill was printed with paint made from white lead oxide, glow paint, and silkscreen base on my back.

Slapboxing about Tap Water, 2022 Performance Me, anonimous EPA officer, table, lead oxide powder. An officer of EPA and me are sitting on a table. I’m with my hands down meanwhile he is slapping me with his left and right hand. In place of talcum he is using white lead oxide powder. Slap boxing is a physical activity somewhat simulating boxing, where open-handed slaps are used in- stead of fists. This quasi-martial art form, at an intersection between sparring and fighting, is usually performed in an ad hoc or informal manner or when boxing protective gear is unavailable. Although a popular pastime in some circles, it is generally not considered a competitive sport but rather a game or training drill.

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