NTMY works 2022

Riverscape, 2022 Glass, Hudson river water , 11 x 14.5 x 4 inches.

Mixture 1732-1926, 2022 Handmade Color Glass, Poly Propylene, Tap water from specific locations.*

This work is a mixture of tap water from the birthplaces of four of the Fathers of the US Nation with tap water from the home of an American who lost the capacity to create memories and lived only in the present.** The samples were ordered, shipped, and delivered by USPS to my house in 42 days. Also, each tap water has been listed with contaminants according to EWG (www.ewg.org)

The Hudson River flows for 350 miles through towns and cities in NY and NJ states. The three glasses have river water from the headwaters to the estuary. The work visualizes cancer probability for every one of the 3.5 Million population around the river. Left-Lake Tear of the Clouds, the Hudson river headwaters (near the town of Keene, NY). -449/100K* Middle- The town of Hudson Falls, NY - 514/100K** Right glass is filled with tap water from Staten Island NY- 529/100K***

*Video of the mixing process- https://youtu.be/Q3-vOMza8bM **Information about the American who lived only in present- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrmU8P3kBvM

* https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/cancer/registry/vol1/v1cessex.htm ** https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/cancer/registry/vol1/v1cwashington.htm *** https://www.health.ny.gov/statistics/cancer/registry/vol1/v1crichmond.htm

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