NTMY works 2022

City High lead, 2022 Lead wire, lead leaf, lead pipe, water, water pump, glass.

the Spirit of Ecstasy, 2022 Anotized bronze, tap water, Lead Oxide, glass, aluminum cap. Rolls Royce cars sold between 2002-2022, in NJ, NY, IL, OH, MI, WI, IN, FL, CA, and TX are 25,200 for an average price of 800K. Total 20B. Lead lines homes in the same states are 4M. Price per lead line change 5K. Total 20B. https://www.brookings.edu/blog/up-front/2021/05/13/what-would-it-cost-to-replace-all-the-nations-lead- water-pipes/

The building form most closely associated with New York City is the skyscraper, which has shifted many commercial and residential districts from low-rise to high-rise. Surrounded mostly by water, the city has amassed one of the largest and most varied collection of skyscrapers in the world. Lead service lines were installed in New York City till 1961. This means that today all iconic skyscrapers had partially or entirely lead water lines.

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