NTMY works 2022

Mixture 470 BCE-2022, Glass, Hemlock (Conium maculatum), Tap water, Purified water

Grapes and Bubbles, 2022 Video https://youtu.be/4OyY01AMM1Q https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/elon-musk-spacex-mars-cost-b2060962.html Bubbles Mr. Musk reiterated that he aims to colonize Mars by building a self-sustaining city of a million people on the planet. In the past, Mr Musk has estimated that a ticket to Mars on a SpaceX flight would cost between $100,000 and $500,000.” Grapes International Space Station (ISS), orbiting the Earth at a mere 17,100mph, the nearest corner shop is approximately 230 miles away and not exactly easy to reach. You can’t just pop out of the door and nip to the shops. Not unless you wear a vacuum suit and have a space rocket and lander module to hand. When living in such a remote and inhospitable location, water becomes a commodity on board the ISS, costing approximately $10,000 for a bottle (1L) of water. For this experiment, I used 8L of water.

The right jar contains tap water from a street drinking fountain of Alopece (Athens), the birthplace of Socrates, sampled in August 2022. According to https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283624843_4The_quality_of_ Athens_drinking_water_and_its_further_improvement - today’s tap water of that place has 150 times more Arce- nic than the healthy level, 220 times more Lead than the health level, and Mercury 25 times more than the healthy level. These contaminations cause 530/100 000 yearly lung, kidney, and liver cancer cases. 95% of the cases slowly die in the diapason between 6 months to 2 years.* The left jar contains purified water in place of the drinking water of antique Greece and Hemlock (Conium macu- latum), that poisonous plant infusion that killed Socrates. *As a comparison, in the battle of Marathon (490 BCE)

died, 192 Athenians. also see here: (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21609468/) https://gco.iarc.fr/today/data/factsheets/populations/300-greece-fact-sheets.pdf

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