Psalm 146 (continued)
ּה ָֽי ּו־ ְל ל ַֽה ֹ֗דר ָו ֹ֥דר ְל ֹון ּי ִ֭צ ְך ִי ַ֣ה ֹל ֱא ָ֗לם ֹו ְל ע ׀ ָ֨וה ֹה ְי ְך ֹ֤ל ְמ ִי
Yimloch Adonai l’olam, Elohayich Tziyon l’dor vador hallelujah Let Them In (Yoshi Zweiback and Angela Buchdahl)
Pitchu b’chesed Pitchu b’ahavah Pitchu b’tzedek Navo vam, navo vam Open up in love in justice and love Open up and let it in Let them in! (x2)
Left to right: Tobi Kahn, “Zahryz III” (2022) Deborah Ugoretz, “Why Not Do More?” (2022)
Judith Brown, “Sparks of Awe” (2022) Marisa Baggett, “Free Flow” (2022)
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