King's Business - 1910-04

Timely Topics for Young People's Meetings THE HOLT SPIRIT. Lesson 14.

(4) Leads into the abounding life (Rom. 8:14). (5) Bears witness to our Sonship (Rom. 8:16). (6) Develops the life of Christ in us so that we bring forth fruit (Gal. 5: 22-23). (7) He guides into all truth (Jno. 16: 13, 14, 26). (8) He gives power for testimony (1 Cor. 2:1-5; 1 Thess. 1:5; Acts 1:8). (9) He prays through us (Jude 20; Eph. 6:18). (10) Sets apart men for service in soul winning (Acts 13:2-4). (11) Guides the believer in his daily duties (Acts 8:27-29, 16:6-7; Jas. 1:5-7). (12) He will quicken the bodies of be- lievers and fashions them like the glorious body of their Lord (Rom. 8:11-23). PRAYER. What Is Prayer? Prayer is in its simplest analysis talk- ing -with God. In worship we are occu- pied with God. In praise and thanks- giving—with our blessings—in prayer with our needs—all real prayer must have for its basis a definite need. Prayer should be made to the Father in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:23-24). Prayer can be made to the Lord Jesus (Acts 7:59; 2 Cor. 12:8-9; 2 Tim. 2:22; 1 Cor. 1:2). There is no recorded prayer to the Holy Spirit, yet He dwells within ns and we can commune with him. Who Can Pray? Only believers can pray. " N o man cometh unto the Father but by Me'? (Jno. 14:6). Faith the essential in coming. How eoul{l an unbeliever come to the Father without faith in the Lord Jesus (Heb. 11:6)? Tl»e moment there is faith in the Lord Jesus the unbe- liever becomes a 'believer (Jno. 3:36- 6:47). Only those whose hearts are right can pray. " I f I regard iniquity in my heart the Lord will not hear m e " (Psa. 66:18). Unconfessed sin will act as a barrier and hinder our access to God. Lesson 15.

In the previous lesson we found that the Holy Spirit was a Person and a Divine Person. In this short lesson we will study about His work. In the old dispensation the Holy Spirit came upon men (Judges 14:6-19). In this dispensation He abides in be- lievers (Jno. 14:16). The work of the Spirit among men in the world is three- fold: To convict of sin, righteousness and judgment (Jno. 16:8-11). Sin is not believing on Jesus. This is the greatest of all sins. The Holy Spirit reveals Jesus as the Lord Christ (Jno. 15:26-27; Acts 5:30-32). This revelation is both to and through be- lievers; when He is revealed to sinners it puts them under condemnation (Acts 2:36-37). Righteousness because He has ascend- ed to the Father (Acts 2:33). Jesus at the. right hand of God (Acts 7:55) is the proof that His atoning work has been accepted and we are accepted in Him (Eph. 1:6). God can impart His righteousness to men through the Holy Spirit because Jesus Christ has fulfilled all righteousness and cancelled all obli- gations (Rom. 3:21-24). Judgment because the Prince of the world is judged. Satan is the prince of the world (Jno. 14:30) and god of this age (2 Cor. 4:4). Satan is a usurper a n d' has been condemned to eternal punishment. Jesus has author- ity and power to put him into the prison house. In His crucifixion He destroyed him who had power over death (Heb. 2:14). In His resurrection Jesus broke the power of Satan and robbed death of its sting (1 Cor. 15:55-57). The work of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer is many fold: (1) He imparts the life of God (Jno. 6:63) and takes up His abode in him (Eph. 2 : l j 1 Cor.- 3:16). He does this by quickening the Seed of the Word (2 Pet. 1:4; 1 Cor. 4: 15). (2) He frees from law of sin (Rom. 8:2). (3) Strengthens him in the-inward man (Eph. 3:16).

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