King's Business - 1910-04

YOUNG PEOPLE'S MEETINGS. A most remarkable series of meetings was held in the Institute during the last month, under the auspices of the Fisher- men 's Club, assisted by the Lyceum Club. Services were conducted for two weeks. The plans were well laid and successfully carried out. Mueh time was spent in prayer before the work was inaugurated and continued prayer was made during the progress of the meetings. The meetings were different from any we have ever attended, com- mencing at 7:30 sharp and closing at 9 o 'clock. Fifteen minutes were al- lotted to the speaker if one was in evi- dence, but no dependence was placed upon any set address. The young peo- ple themselves had burning messages which carried conviction to all hearers. Two things were emphasized—salvation by faith in the crucified, risen Son of God, and the full surrender of the will to Him as Lord. No adults were per- mitted to take part. The special hymn was, " L e t It Be Known," words writ- ten by our Brother J. H. Sammis of the Institute and the music by James Garth, leader of the music of the Fishermen's Club. The scripture reading was given voluntarily by the audience. One night forty passaegs were quoted, chapter and verse being given accurately. We have never seen this equaled in any gather- ing. The meetings were characterized by a deep reverent spirit, a large num- ber confessed Christ and very many made a complete surrender of their lives. To many leaders in Christian work who were present, these meetings were a revelation. They were an illustration of what the church could be if normal. A buoyant spirit pervaded the gather- ing, they Were sane, sensible and spiri- tual and will have a lasting influence upon many lives. The young people engaged in this work range in age from seventeen to twenty-two; some are leaders in Chris- tian work in their young people's so- cieties, high schools and colleges, and are having a training for future useful- ness that will make them invaluable to the churches. You are looking for peace in striving, or peace in duties, or peaee in reform- ing youf sins; but ah! look at His Word: " T h e God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing. —Mc- Cheyne.

A PRESENTATION EDITION OF A GBEAT BOOK. The Testimony of the Bible Concerning the Assumptions of Destructive Criticism. This is the formidable title of a little book of 130 pages penned by that princely patriarch, S. E. Wishard, D. D. The book is designed for teachers and young people and is written in a vigor- ous, clean-cut style. In the preface Mr. Wishard says: " The work of the destructive critics has been widely disseminated in current literature. Magazines, secular news- papers and some religious papers are giving currency to these critical attacks on. the Word of God. The young people of our churches are exposed to the in- sidious poison of the skepticism. It eomes to them under the guise of a broader and more liberal scholarship. They have neither the time nor the equipment to enter the field of criti- cism, nor is this work demanded of them. "While abler pens are meeting and answering the questions raised by de- structive critics, something may be said that will clear away the fog produced by them and enable young Christians to come directly to the truth. "Hence this little booklet is an at- tempt to 'give God a chance' to have His say. The testimony presented is on the Divine plan of giving, 'Precept upon precept, precept upon precept, line upon line, line upon line,' 'lest we for- get.' "There has been no attempt to cover the whole ground of destructive criti- cism in the brief compass of this book- let. It will be enough to permit God to answer; henee, in the following pages He speaks for Himself. We are content that His voice shall be heard." The Institute has issued a presenta- tion edition of 4000 copies which it is sending out to pastors, superintendents and leaders among the young people. Sir, if ye look both to the laughing side and to the weeping side of this world, and if ye look not only upon the skin and color of things, but into their inwards, and the heart of their excel- lency, ye shall see that one look of Christ's sweet and lovely eye, one kiss of His fairest face, is worth ten thou- sand worlds of such rotten stuff as the foolish sons of men set their hearts upon.—Rutherford.

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