January Edition 2021 | BEAUTY GLOBAL NETWORK

SELF-CARE IS SELFISH. 1. Even today self-care is grossly misunderstood in the following ways: In many collectivistic cultures, self comes after the family and community. Taking care of yourself is generally looked down upon as being selfish or vain. When you’re not taking care of yourself, and not taking responsibility for your emotions, you automatically assign the blame outside. Taking care of other’s needs without getting your own needs met can only lead to suppression, frustration, blame, anger, resentment, and revenge. Self-care is like the oxygen mask that you must wear to protect yourself at all times before saving your loved ones. SELF-CARE IS A LUXURY OF TIME AND MONEY 2. and some think that it’s a waste and is only for the rich. Wrong. Self-care doesn’t mean going on luxurious vacations, using expensive beauty products, eating organic food, buying

SELF-CARE IS NOT ENTERTAINING OURSELVES 3 quality time with family every day. Self-care doesn’t have to cost money. have little impact on our overall well-being. I personally indulge in self-care while sitting at home by getting up early in the morning to meditate, going for a morning walk to watch the sunrise, planning healthy meals for the week during the weekends, and joining free online yoga classes. I own a normal home, drive a basic car, and still have great friends. I make it a point to spend branded clothes, driving fancy cars, or living in opulent homes. Going on a vacation because everyone else does so is not self-care. It is rather a source of stress because of the money spent and the efforts involved to get acceptance in the social pack because of our herd mentality. According to a survey, 48% of the population thinks self-care is not possible due to lack of time, and 58% believe that self-care is expensive. But, in reality, material possessions with TV, social gatherings, dining-out, etc. When we’re engaged in mindless entertainment, we’re disconnected from our emotions and feelings. At the same time,

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