January Edition 2021 | BEAUTY GLOBAL NETWORK

Do others walk on egg shells around you?

Do you maintain healthy boundaries in your relationships? Do you remain curious in your relationships or are they shutting you down? Do you take ownership of your actions in your relationships or do you blame and criticize? Are you actively nurturing the relationship?

Do you accept others for who they are or do you expect unfair things from them? Do you bring your true self in the relationship? Are you vulnerable in your relationships or are you defensive? Are you developing empathetic listening and compassionate actions in your relationships every day?

For example, I feel disgrace when I do things my way, which my family doesn’t approve of. I feel terrified to make decisions for myself. I feel very uptight and resistant when the topic of money is discussed. Knowing our emotional states can help us in monitoring our emotions and centering them. Pick up any area or situation from the self-care diagram given above, and mark all the emotions that come to you in that situation. This will help you pinpoint where you stand emotionally. Now you can chart a plan to achieve balance with the help of a counsellor, therapist, coach, mentor, or even by yourself. If you work on self-care using this method, you will eventually end up living a very fulfilling life with support, self-confidence, and self-esteem. This can potentially shift your life by 180° and you will be amazed by the results.

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