January Edition 2021 | BEAUTY GLOBAL NETWORK

Tier Three: An Even Deeper Commitment

None of this process should be stressful, and when you feel ready, the next step in the Nutrient-Dense Tier System involves moving beyond mere substitutions toward finding more options, increasing diversity in your diet, and a more entertaining and interesting diet. Here is where your sense of adventure and excitement are the key to your success. Shopping for foods becomes more fun as you try new food and really, truly appreciate the nutrient value in the food you buy. Your consumption of high quality, antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables continues to grow. Here you appreciate the phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes and how they nourish your body. You may find your plate and finely’ tuned to the subtle flavors in whole foods. You expect your food to be of the utmost quality and find true value in choosing organic substitutions. You are well on your way to a nutrient-dense diet.

Tier Four: Subtle Fine Tuning

In this stage, you learn and appreciate that the process toward a healthy diet is ongoing. It involves ever-fine-tuning your choices, and paying attention to the little details that make a big difference. You are quite confident now and do not let your standards slide. But a little treat now and then shouldn’t derail or stress you. You follow the 85/15 rule. You're serious about your new health status and way of eating; it's not vigilant, but instead a source of ease and pleasure. You’re a health rockstar!! As the months go by, you begin to understand how to “eat with the seasons”, honoring the shifting availability of foods. Now, the small touches in your diet involve increases in nutrient density with foods not commonly heard of in the Standard American diet, like sea vegetables, green juices, nutritional yeast, dense grains like amaranth, millet, and quinoa, and proteins such as buffalo, elk, and lamb. Nutritional density is your new lifestyle now, and you appreciate the benefits of your hard work and reap the health rewards. To conclude, if you're serious about transitioning to a healthier way of life and need further detailed guidance, this little book, The Nutrient Dense Eating Plan, by Douglas L. Margel, DC, is a great resource!

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