The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.4

128 The Fundamentals In all this there is a curious analogy between Russell’s theology and Mormonism; for Mormonism likewise holds that there are many gods; each of these was once a human being like we are and has grown by evolution into a god. One of the teachers of Mormonism, Brigham Young, affirms that Adam is our father and our God, the only God with whom we have to do. Millennial Dawn is essentially polytheistic; and as it has always happened with polytheism, this system, should it endure, will ultimately sink into idolatry. 10. The other error relates to the destiny o f the wicked. On scarcely any other point does Mr. Russell so constantly and persistently dwell as on the doctrine of future and eternal punishment. He denies without qualification that the wicked, the lost, suffer in another life. As usual with him, the teaching of the Bible on this terrible theme he either evades or gives it a typical interpretation. The grotesque subject of one of his most popular lectures, a lecture he has delivered throughout our country, in Canada, and also in Eng­ land, and published in a vast number of papers and periodi­ cals, is “To Hell and Back Again.” Crowds have listened with no little satisfaction to his assertions that there is no hell, no eternal punishment, and no hopelessness after death. He holds that in the resurrection which is to include both the righteous and the wicked, the gospel of salvation shall be preached to all who did not receive it, though having heard, while in this life, and to those who never had the opportunity while in the earthly life to hear and believe. For one hun­ dred years the preaching to these classes shall continue and the great mass of them will believe and enter into eternal life. Those who persistently refuse the offer of salvation and re­ ject the Lord’s mercy will be annihilated; an act of Divine power will blot them out of existence forever. I t needs but a remark or two in order to convince any honest and right- minded person that such teaching is not only unscriptural

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