The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.4

Mormonism: Its Origin and Doctrines 135 2. The Mormon System is thoroughly anti-Christian. While appropriating to itself Christian phraseology, and New Testament names and forms, it perverts or denies every fundamental doctrine of the Christian religion. I t not only denies but ridicules the Christian doctrine of the spirituality of God, and teaches the people that He is a big man like Brigham Young. For Mormonism teaches that Adam is the god of this world. It denies that Christ’s atonement has anything to do with our sins, but only with the sins of Adam. To get rid of our sins, we must work out our salvation through the teachings, and forms, and ordinances of the Mormon Church, with its multiplied baptisms for the dead. 3. Mormonism is a deliberate counterfeit o f the Christian religion, intended to deceive the ignorant. I t calls itself, “The Church of Jesus Christ”, a name to which it can lay no claim. The term “Church” is a Christian name and belongs alone to Christians—to those who are loyal to the Christian Church, to Jesus Christ as the Divine and only head of the Church, and to the Bible as the supreme and only revelation from God. (1) Mormonism tries to palm off on the world a counter­ feit prophet in the person of Joseph Smith. He had all the marks of a counterfeit or false prophet, and not one of the marks of a true prophet. In prophetic times, what were the marks of a true prophet? In the first place, he was a man of pure and upright life; he was noted for spirituality of mind, so that he could discern spiritual truth and teach it to others. He was loyal to God, everywhere and always, and he never made merchandise of his prophetic office. Joseph Smith was just the very opposite of this. Instead of living a pure and upright life, he was immoral and wicked, as we shall presently see. He had no spirituality whatever, and he constantly made mer­ chandise of his pretended prophetic position, so that it secured for him houses and lands, and valuable corner-lots and lucra-

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