The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.4

Divine Efficacy o f Prayer 227 are impossible with man are possible with God, and with a man in whom God is. Prayer is the secret of imparted power from God, and nothing else can take its place. Absolute weakness follows the neglect of secret communion with God— and the weakness is the more deplorable, because it is often unconscious and unsuspected, especially when one has never yet known what true power is. We see men of prayer quietly achieving results of the most surprising character. They have the calm of God, no hurry, or worry, or flurry ; no anxiety, or care, no excitement or hustle or bustle—they do great things for God, and, like John the Baptist, are great in His eyes, yet they are little in their own eyes ; they carry great loads, and yet are not weary nor faint; they face great crises, and yet are not troubled. And those who know not what treasures of wisdom and strength and courage and power are hidden in God’s pa­ vilion wonder how it is. They try to account for all this by something in the man—his talent, or tact, original methods, or favoring circumstances. Perhaps they try to imitate such a career by securing the patronage of the rich and mighty, or by dependence on organization, or fleshly energy—or what men call “determination to succeed”—they bustle about, labor incessantly, appeal for money and co-operation, and work out an apparent success, but there is none of that power of God in it which cannot be imitated. They compass themselves about with sparks, but there is no fire of God ; they build up a great structure, but it is wood, hay, stubble; they make a great noise, but God is not in the clamor. Nothing is at once so undisputable and so over-awing as the way in which a few men of God have lived in Him and He in them. The fact is, that in the disciple’s life the fun­ damental law is, “Not I, but Christ in me.” In a grandly true sense there is but one Worker, one Agent, and He Di­ vine; and all other so-called “workers” are instruments, and

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