The Fundamentals - 1917: Vol.4

Decadence of Darwinism 63 and on brutes consciousness and thought, and on all of us that which preserves our bodies from decay and causes them to grow, it seems natural that, in the holy of holies of His laboratory, He has constructed us with similar characters, transcient or permanent. But the very nomenclature of evolution has been seduced and corrupted. “Reversion” and “rudiment” must be laid away with phlogiston and caloric. There are no retreatings or abortions in the Divine economy, but God adjusts every feature to present and future conditions, and causes all to march regularly forward in the grand procession of eternal progress. But why, it may be asked, are so many creatures built on the same plan as, for instance, vertebrates? The answer is axiomatic. The whole creation is divided into vertebrata and invertebrata, because there must, in the nature of things, be at least two classes; or boundless monotony or an eternal loneliness. But why so many vertebrates? Because there can be but one best of a class and vertebrates are best. The number redounds to the glory of God, not the glory of evolu­ tion. This is kindergarten instruction, but some seem to miss it. But we submit a broader generalization. The whole universe bears a family resemblance. It is the warm touch of the Maker, and His universal style. Light is truth, and darkness is error. Holiness is purity, and sin is dirt. Phys­ ical birth and growth, decay and death, typify spiritual birth and growth, decay and death. Two pictures hang side by side. The subjects differ greatly and they differ in size. The larger is the “Domes of the Yosemite” and the smaller “Sunset in California”. But they seem strangely alike. The smaller must have evolved from the larger. Some Mahatma, an adept of the Himalayas, able to do “the plant trick”, has done it. No! The same artist painted both.

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