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and the hybrid vehicles that are coming in,” said Genevieve Laplante, principal dealer, joined by her brother Sebastian, vice-pres- ident of operations, and her sister Stephanie, principal dealer of the Laplante’s Casselman location. Russell Township Mayor Pierre Leroux helped move the first ceremonial shovels-full of dirt along with councillor Marc Lalonde. For Leroux, seeing the dealership stay in Embrun and expand is nothing but a good sign for the region. “We’re in a community that’s growing by leaps and bounds,” said Leroux. “So, the businesses have to adapt and grow accordingly. This will be the starting point for a beautiful new commercial subdivision in the township … It’s a win-win for everybody in the economy, and in the township. More businesses coming in help keep taxes lower on the residential side. It’s always a good thing.” Staying in the area was also an important consideration for the Laplante’s. “This is where it all started,” said Gene- vieve. “It is a great market for us to continue and expand in Prescott-Russell. We were born and raised here and it’s always been our niche market. We love the people, and we just want to service everybody around here and grow the business here.” The Laplante siblings are optimistic that the new dealership will open its doors in December 2023. Until then, the doors at the old location remain open. than a paid suspension and women should no longer have to carry the shame of un- wanted sexual advancements from their leaders in the workplace. Leaders must earn trust and respect and power should be used to advance society, not keep in in the Middle Ages,” said Lajoie. Mayor Lajoie brought her support for Bill 5 to Casselman municipal council during their last meeting and hopes to have the council formally endorse the Bill during the next meeting. Casselman would be the first municipality in the United Counties of Prescott-Russell to offer their endorsement, and, apart from Ottawa, one of the only in eastern Ontario. Lajoie is also joining Marie-Noëlle Lanthier, president of Leadership Féminin Prescott-Russell, on May 31 at Queen’s Park to pressure the Ontario legislature to vote in favour of Bill 5.

La famille Laplante, des représentants de Proservin Construction, le maire du canton de Russell, Pierre Leroux, et le conseiller Marc Lalonde participent à la cérémonie de la première pelletée de terre au nouvel emplacement du concessionnaire Laplante Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram à Embrun. - photo Joseph Coppolino

increased interest in electric vehicles and a goal of maintaining customer service, the Laplante’s decided moving the dealership from its current location at 700 Notre-Dame Street to its new spot less than kilometre away on Saint Guillaume Road while tripling its size. “We will be able to service much more people and adapt to all the electric vehicles

servicing or selling cars since 1954, accor- ding to their website.


Romeo Laplante started the family busi- ness as an auto repair shop, and now, three generations later, his grandchildren are brea- king ground on a new 27,000 square foot new Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram dealership in Embrun. With a growing population in the region, LAJOIE RALLIES COUNCIL SUPPORT FOR BILL 5

A community stalwart is staying and thriving in Russell Township as the Laplante car dealership breaks ground for its new, and massive, location. The Laplante family has run a business


Ottawa city council having witnessed council- lor Rick Chiarelli face little consequences after behaving inappropriately toward three female colleagues in 2019. Though Ottawa took the harshest stance possible, that only amounted to suspending Chiarelli’s pay for three months for each incident, the maximum penalty under the cur- rent Municipal Act. Chiarelli continued sitting on council until the 2022 municipal election when he chose not to seek reelection. Bill 5 seeks to address issues of account- ability by requiring councillors to comply with the sam work=place violence and harass- ment policies of the municipality they rep- resent, allowing the Integrity Commissioner to apply to the court to vacate a councillor’s seat should they fail to comply, and restrict councillors whose seat has been vacated from seeking re-election immediately. “Consequences need to be more severe

A private members bill is making its way through Queen’s Park that seeks greater accountability for harassment and abuse coming from local leaders, such as councillors and mayors, and Casselman mayor Geneviève Lajoie is advocating for the municipality to sign on in support. Proposed by Orleans Member of Provincial Parliament Stephen Blais last August, the Bill was born out of Blais’s experience on the Si le conseil approuve, Casselman sera la première municipalité de l’UCPR à appuyer le projet de loi provincial 5 qui vise à accroître la responsabilité des élus au niveau municipal (de gauche à droite : Geneviève Lajoie, Marie- Noëlle Lanthier). - photo fournie

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