L3 System Settings

Before You Begin Before you launch the translation utility, you must first specify the language your are translating into, e.g. from English to [blank]. This is extremely important since you are setting up the translation utility and you are creating the xml file that saves your translation.

L3 LANGUAGE Setting Using Deutsch Language for translation

Select than Language you want to display in using your Lx software. The “active” language is denoted by the green dot. English is the default language. English is also the reference language used in the Translator utility.

1. Go to the L2+ Main Menu 2. Select the Settings icon 3. Select the LANGUAGE option 4. Select the LANGUAGE type you are translating to

5. Select Done 6. Select Done

Launch the Translation Utility You may launch the translation utility as follows: Press and hold the Ctrl key and the F4 key simultaneously (Ctrl+F4). Note You can only launch the translation utility from an operating mode. The utility will not launch if you are within any Settings function. Use the APPLY FILTER based on a text entry. Enter the term or text and select Apply Filter. The information is displayed based on your text filter. For example, if you enter Load, all terms, phrases, etc. with Load are displayed. It restricts the current list to those items that match the text you’ve typed in the filter box. Handy for finding some text you see on the screen.

Use the SAVE NOW to save a completed text entry.

Use the SAVE NOW always before exiting the Translator utility. This ensures that your translations are saved to your XML file.

The Language type you selected in global SETTINGS displays as the header in the active translation column. The example shown indicates that simplified DEUTSCH is the selected language.

Use this function when the current “un- translated” item is to be left “as-is”. The item appears in BLACK text showing it has been actioned- no translation was required.

Use the PASTE function to paste a “copied item” into the text input entry block for another item in the list.

Use the text entry input block to enter your translation for the term, phrase, numeric, symbol, etc.

Use this function to “hide” all items that have been translated, e.g. that appear in BLACK text.

Use the COPY function to copy the entry in your text entry input block so it can be pasted into a new text entry block associated with another item in the list.

Use this function to “show all” items that have been translated, e.g. that appear in BLACK text and items that remain to be translated shown in RED text.

The Record Count shows the current active item and the total number of items that can be translated.

L3 LANGUAGE Setting Translation Utility view



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