
$ 0 - - & $ 5 * 7 * 5  r  $ 0 . . 6 / * 5 : BE WARY OF TICKS, SAYS EOHU



glands and a rash, although many people never suffer from the latter. The risk of Lyme disease transmission from a tick to a human is very low if the tick is attached for less than 24 hours. )PXFWFS UIBUSJTLDMJNCTJGBOJOGFDUFEUJDL JTBUUBDIFEGPSPWFSIPVST.PTUDBTFT of Lyme disease can be treated successfully with antibiotics. Ticks are most active in the spring and summer months but can be found at any time of the year when the temperature is above freezing, usually in woodlands, tall grasses and bushes. Residents can visit to learn how to protect themselves from ticks and Lyme disease. Tick removal cards are available for pickup, while quantities last, at each of the TJYSFHJPOBMPGàDFTPGUIF&0)6'PSMPDBUJPOT and maps, visit the contact section of the &0)6TXFCTJUFBUXXXFPIVDB

It will soon be time to once more be on the lookout for ticks. “It’s important to contact your healthcare provider if you believe a tick was attached for more than 24 hours or if you develop flu-like symptoms or an expanding rash in the weeks following a tick bite” stressed Dr. 1BVM3PVNFMJPUJT .FEJDBM0GàDFSPG)FBMUIBU UIF&BTUFSO0OUBSJP)FBMUI6OJU &0)6  “If Lyme infection isn’t recognized and treated, symptoms can last from months to years, and include serious health problems affec- ting the heart, nervous system or joints.” 5IF&0)6JTPGGFSJOHGSFFUJDLSFNPWBM cards to local residents. The tick cards can make removing ticks that are attached to the skin easier, and can be carried in a wal- let. Along with distributing the tick removal DBSET UIF&0)6JTDBVUJPOJOHSFTJEFOUT that populations of blacklegged ticks, which can spread Lyme disease to humans, are HSPXJOHJOMPDBUJPOTBDSPTTUIFàWFFBTUFSO counties. The region has known risk areas, XIFSFCMBDLMFHHFEUJDLTIBWFCFFOJEFOUJàFE and where individuals have the potential to come into contact with infected ticks. Lyme disease is a serious illness that can cause symptoms usually within 3 to 30 days after a tick bite. These include fever, headache, muscle aches and joint pains, stiff neck, decreased appetite, fatigue, swollen

La 44 e édition du souper de homards du Club Optimiste de Rockland, qui avait lieu le 1 er juin dernier à l’aréna Jean-Marc Lalonde, a accueilli plus de 890 participants. Parmi les faits saillants de la soirée, notons que le prix d’entrée, sois un iPad (Wi-Fi, 128 Go), commandité par BDO, a été remis à Kevin Scharfe, de la part de Pierre Bourgon, associé chez BDO. Un tirage 50/50 a permis à Randy Bloom de Gatineau de gagner la somme de 1630 $. « Ce sont les membres, les bénévoles, les commanditaires et les fournisseurs qui rendent cette soirée possible », a fait valoir le président du Club Optimiste, Denis Vaillancourt. Les profits de la soirée permettent au Club Optimiste de continuer à appuyer des projets et des activités qui inspirent le meilleur chez les jeunes. Ci-dessus, on reconnait M. Bourgon et M. Scharfe. —photo fournie

Le Bureau de santé de l’est de l’Ontario (BSEO) offre gratuitement des cartes d’extraction de tiques aux résidents de la région. Celles-ci sont disponibles dans l’un des six bureaux régionaux du BSEO. —photo fournie



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