Custom Care PT: Jaw and Neck Pain and Headaches

The ProblemWith Posture

of slouching. The human head weighs 12 pounds on average. Research shows that forward head postures puts 25-45 pounds of force on the neck. Forward head posture can easily be determined by standing with your back against the wall, if your head does not touch the wall you likely have a forward head. As years go by, and day after day you continue to hold your head in this forward position, it may result in a headache. If this is an issue, working with a physical therapist may help. Regular hands-on treatment, exercises to restore spinal alignment, correct posture, and strengthening your neck may alleviate neck pain and decrease intensity or eliminate headaches. When dealing with neck pain, it is important to remember that safety comes first. While there are many simple activities you can try at home to begin stretching and mobilizing your neck, working with a physical therapist will ensure that you are exercising in a way that won’t lead to greater injury. For more information, contact us. References

If you’re looking to improve your posture, call Custom Care Physical Therapy today at 503-357-1706 to see how your physical therapist can help!

If your headache is musculoskeletal, a physical therapist can help you to identify the source and cause of your headache. Forward head posture is a very common cause of headaches. Forward head posture means that your head rests slightly in front of your shoulders, which is a type

Discover How To Live Pain Free! At Custom Care Physical Therapy, you will receive hands-on therapy treatments by our friendly, caring physical therapists during focused and individualized sessions. Here are three steps you can take to live pain free.

Service Spotlight Mckenzie Method for Treating Headaches Often headaches can be relieved by these recommended exercises. It will not do any harm to perform these exercises for a couple days in order to find out whether you benefit from them or not. The first three days you should perform Exercise 1 ( Head retraction in sitting ) 6-8 times a day, 10 repetitions each time and whenever you feel a headache developing. If this reduces your headaches but does not abolish them completely, you should add Exercise 2 ( Neck flexion in sitting ). In particular, headaches that spread over the top of your head to above or behind the eyes are often relieved with this exercise. In case your headaches are not relieved by these two exercises, try sustaining the end range position for 1-2 minutes.




Exercise 1

Exercise 2

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