Kjersti Armstrong, Past Chair Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary of MBI Energy Services Carolyn Becraft, Chair Retired, Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Manpower and Reserve Affairs) Sandra Holmberg, Vice Chair Retired, Director of Members’ Allowances for the Manitoba Legislative Assembly
Zachery King Tribal Planner
James Kotowich Retired, Priority Alarms (self-employed)
Megan Langley Strengthen ND Founder
Scott Meyer Mortgage Planner/State Legislator
Scott Nelson Retired Sales
Melissa Johnson, Secretary Stay-at-Home Mom, Substitute Teacher
Lawrence Prout Professional Fundraiser
Matuor Alier Director of Equity and Inclusion, Moorhead Public Schools Cesareo Alvarez Jr. Intergovernmental Affairs Liaison – Four Bears Segment, MHA Nation Adjunct Instructor, Native American Studies Department, Nueta Hidatsa Sahnish Tribal College, New Town, ND
Victoria Rae Teske Retired Nurse Practitioner
Alissa Adams Retail Sales/COO West Acres Shopping Center
Ken Zealand Prairie Public Manitoba President Accountant, MNP LLP
Judy Anderson Retired Professor, University of Manitoba, Canada
John E. Harris III President & CEO, Prairie Public
Nick Archuleta, Treasurer President, North Dakota United
Joshua Boschee, Past Chair Realtor, Hatch Realty; ND House of Representatives
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