Legacy Report 2024

Events & Engagement

The film premiered at MSP Film Society in Minneapolis to a full house of 165 attendees on January 10, 2024. The event included a vibrant Talk Back moderated by Tane Danger with Mary Lahammer and Eric Eskola after the film. Guests were encouraged to wear their “wrestler glam.” Jesse’s son, Tyrel was in the audience and took the microphone during the talk back to celebrate the film.

“It is not just that you brought back memories; you provided Minnesotans (and others) with the interesting and important story about the man.” – Broadcast Viewer

Gov. Tim Walz invited the former governor back to the Capitol for the signing of legislation legalizing cannabis in May 2023.

MinneHistory Season 2

Premiere Date: September 26, 2023 Format: 3 x 30-second episodes


These 30-second spots each feature a “history hero” from Minnesota’s past and take us quickly through their significance and life. They are intended to be fun and light and appeal to children and their families watching the daytime kids’ block of content.

Distribution & Reach


Reach (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)


3 videos posted | 1.5 min available | 1,146 streams

Social Media

11 posts | 18,192 video views | 1,187 engagements


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