Legacy Report 2024

The Boys of Bataan

Premiere Date: November 11, 2024 Format: 1 x 60-minute documentary


The Boys of Bataan tells the powerful story of young men from Brainerd, MN who served in the 194th Tank Battalion, Company A in the Philippines during World War II. Narrated by John Erickson, Archivist for Brainerd Public Schools, the documentary follows their journey from high school to the Battle of Bataan, concluding with an annual memorial ceremony at the National Guard Armory in Brainerd.

Annual memorial ceremony at the National Guard Armory in Brainerd


Using special funding towards recording Minnesotan military veterans’ personal experiences, Lakeland PBS is able to preserve their experiences, sharing their unique stories with the masses. It is imperative for society to not forget history but to preserve it, share it, and learn from it. Whether these veterans gave the ultimate sacrifice for their country or lived to tell their stories, they should be honored for their contributions. Lakeland PBS is proud to offer a platform to share these stories.

Events & Engagement

Lakeland PBS held a public premiere screening of the documentary at the Chalberg Theatre at Central Lakes College in Brainerd, MN on October 29, 2024. There was an opening and closing ceremony with color guard and a chaplain’s prayer. There were approximately 100 attendees.

Distribution & Reach


Reach (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)


1 episode broadcast | 1 hour broadcast


1 episode posted | 1 hour available

Social Media

1 post | 744 video views | 48 engagements


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