Common Ground
Premiere Date: October 19, 2023 Format: 14 x 30-minute weekly episodes
Screening event at the Watermark Art Center in Bemidji, MN
Common Ground is a weekly broadcast series that explores the unique people, places, and events that surround us here in North Central Minnesota. Each week, we take viewers on a journey of exploration into the diverse art, cultures, and history that help to shape and define our communities.
Common Ground fulfills the goals of Legacy funding by informing, educating, and enlightening the citizens of Northern and Central Minnesota by exposing them to artists, organizations, and events they might not otherwise be familiar with. Many of the subjects featured over the years have noted that the exposure gained through the broadcasts has resulted in increased sales of their work or attendance at organized events. Our work highlighting different cultures throughout the region has brought about a new understanding and compassion among viewers, who now have a better understanding of their own neighbors.
Events & Engagement
Lakeland PBS held a screening event for the premiere of Common Ground season 15 at the Watermark Art Center in Bemidji, Minnesota on October 18, 2023. We had 19 attendees and a featured artist present.
Distribution & Reach
Reach (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
14 episodes broadcast | 106.5 hours broadcast
14 episodes posted | 7 hours available | 4,419 streams
Social Media
21 posts | 573 video views | 1,022 engagements
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