Careers in Conservation Learn about careers in conservation from agricultural workers passionate about conservation. Careers in Business Management Learn about agricultural careers with a focus on business management. Career Pathways Beyond the Farm Learn about the pathways agricultural workers have taken to get to their current positions. Skills Needed for Careers Learn about the necessary skills future agricultural workers need to make it in the agricultural industry.
Education Needed for Jobs Learn about what education is necessary for those interested in a career in agriculture. Rewarding Moments in Careers Learn about some of the rewarding moments agriculture workers have had throughout their careers. Advice for Students Listen to advice from agricultural workers for students interested in agriculture. Hear from folks who went to college, a trade school, or have no post-secondary education, and the fulfilling careers they have found.
Legacy Profiles
These interstitials fulfill the goal of Legacy funding through showcasing content not shown in the program that it was filmed for. These stand-alone video clips highlight topics in the arts, music, and history from previously- filmed subjects. It gives the subject additional acknowledgement and focus while enriching and informing the viewer at home. These interstitials air throughout the day, every day, giving a vast scope of audience base. This easily digestible, short interstitial format is an excellent way to share content and information with our viewers throughout the broadcast schedule.
Premiere Date: July 5, 2023 Format: 16 x 30-second interstitials
30-second video clips that air during programming breaks on Lakeland PBS’ broadcast channels. Clips include any topic that has been covered by Legacy-funded production, ranging from music to art to history.
Distribution & Reach
Reach (July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2024)
16 episodes broadcast | 3.5 hours broadcast
16 episodes posted | 0.25 hours available | 1,014 streams
Erika Halverson-Mullen (7 total)
Minnesota One-Room Schoolhouses
Northwoods Artists and Authors Festival (4 total)
2022 Anishinaabe Art Festival (4 total)
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