Minnesota Historia
Premiere Date: September 17, 2024 Format: 1 x 60-minute episode
Minnesota Historia is a digital series from PBS North that brings to life Minnesota’s lesser-known and quirky historical moments in an entertaining six-episode format. Each season, the episodes are also reformatted into a broadcast special, allowing wider access to this unique look at the state’s history. With a humorous and engaging approach, the series highlights unusual events, characters, and cultural oddities that shaped Minnesota, making history accessible and enjoyable for a broad audience. Through storytelling that combines fact with fun, Minnesota Historia offers a fresh perspective on the hidden tales of Minnesota’s past.
Minnesota Historia has a significant impact on the community by bringing forward the untold and often quirky stories of Minnesota’s history, fostering a deeper appreciation for the state’s unique past. By exploring local narratives that are rarely covered in mainstream history, the series helps viewers connect with Minnesota’s cultural identity in a fresh and relatable way. Its lighthearted and accessible storytelling style engages a wide audience, making history enjoyable and relevant for all ages. Additionally, Minnesota Historia strengthens community pride and curiosity, encouraging viewers to explore their own local histories and share these stories with others. This approach not only preserves regional heritage but also inspires a sense of unity around the diverse experiences that define Minnesota.
Distribution & Reach
Reach (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
1 episode broadcast | 1 hour broadcast
1 episode posted | 1 hour available | 23,824 streams
Social Media
44 posts | 63,167 video views | 9,208 engagements
Episode 1 | September 17, 2024 Did you know pizza rolls were invented in northern Minnesota? Or that Minnesota was the first state to offer troops to the Union during the Civil War? We explore those ideas, a legendary train derailment that may not have happened, the invention of automatic elevator doors, surf rockers, and Broadway play “the Duke of Duluth” on this season of Minnesota Historia .
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