Legacy Report 2024

LANDMARKS: Minnesota Collections

“Of all the Landmarks programs, this one was my favorite.” – Viewer

Premiere Date: February 22, 2024 Format: 1 x 60-minute documentary


Passion. Obsession. Nostalgia. Curiosity. Education. Preserving history or just the thrill of the hunt, these are some of the reasons people collect. We invite you to travel with Minnesota storyteller Doug Ohman, as he meets people in Minnesota who have a passion for collecting in this hour-long, stand-alone broadcast documentary. Along with sharing their treasured collections with us, they tell their stories about how they started collecting and why they collect. We will see everything from vintage tractors to the world’s largest collection of cow knickknacks. From old toys to movie posters, this program will be sure to entertain.


As host Doug Ohman notes, “It’s not really hoarding if you have cool stuff.” It became clear to him as he researched the latest installment of Landmarks that there are many interesting collections in the hands of Minnesotans that are worth exploring.

Distribution & Reach


Reach (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)


1 episode broadcast | 1 hour broadcast


1 episode posted | 1 hour available | 21,815 streams

Social Media

36 posts | 11,248 video views | 190 engagements

Doug Ohman admires a collection of Ernie Wollack’s tractors

Doug Ohman admires the apron collection of Yvonne Cory


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