Wheels: Classics and Collections 3rd Gear
Premiere Date: May 19, 2024 Format: 1 x 60-minute documentary, 9 digital shorts
Explore the special connection between owners and their vehicles in Wheels: Classics and Collections 3rd Gear. Released as a digital-first series of nine episodes, it was then assembled for a 1-hour broadcast documentary.
The Wheels Facebook page has grown to 121 followers. Throughout the year, producer Tim Bakken attended car shows and posted clips and videos from the shows, bringing car enthusiasts who may not be able to travel to car shows the opportunity to live vicariously through social media.
Distribution & Reach
Reach (July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024)
1 episode broadcast | 1 hour broadcast
1 episode posted | 1 hour available | 192,199 streams
Social Media
19 posts | 5,431 video views | 247 engagements
Jacqueline Hadrath and her daughter show off the award for their 1969 Plymouth GTX, passed down to Jacqueline from her father
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