EIC 2022 Equity Benchmarking Study

Figure 2a: Ethnicity with Job Grade

2.2. Accountability - Ethnicity and Employment Type The second correlation explored is ethnicity and employment type, where respondents who identified as Black rate their DEI experience 20% lower than the study average.

Figure 2b: Ethnicity with Employment Type

2.3. Accountability - Ethnicity and Industry Sector The final correlation explored in this dimension is ethnicity and industry sector, where respondents who identified as Black rate their DEI experience 13% lower than the study average. Figure 2c: Ethnicity with Industry Sector

Note: “Others” includes: “Consumer Goods and Retail Trade,” “Discretionary Consumer Goods and Services,” “Building/Construction/Home and Repair,” “Industrial/Heavy Machinery and Finished Business Inputs” and “Raw Materials/Science.”


2022 EIC Equity Benchmarking Study

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