Anambah Rise Design Guidelines






YO U R H O M E S E L E C T I O N The Design

6 7 8 8 8

Facade Selection

Corner Lots


Roof Detail

C O L O U R S A N D M AT E R I A L S Mix of Materials


Roof Colour/Materials

10 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15


Face Brick

Accent Materials/Colours


Garage Doors

L A N D S C A P I N G Driveways


Hardscape Area Softscape Area


Retaining Walls

Side and Rear Fencing



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O U R V I S I O N Anambah Rise in the Hunter Region, is committed to quality design to ensure purchasers enjoy a relaxed environment with the security of knowing that their most important investment, their family home, is of the highest standard. The vision for Anambah Rise is that, through these guidelines, purchasers can be assured that only the best streetscapes will be approved and with the careful selection of materials, colours and landscaping, these Design Guidelines will ensure your home is surrounded by others of the same high standard.

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T H E D E S I G N Through discussions with your Sales Consultant, they will be able to guide you towards the home design that best suits your lifestyle and budget. These guidelines will ensure that your facade finishes and colours combine harmoniously with each other and the adjoining homes. On the rare occasion that your selection is identical with one already approved on a neighbouring lot, you may be asked to make slight modifications. This could be as simple as nominating an alternate facade, colours or material selection.

Streetscape with a variety of facades

Streetscape with identical homes and colours neighbouring each other

F A C A D E S E L E C T I O N To enhance the quality of the streetscape, all homes in Anambah Rise must incorporate a porch, portico, verandah, blade walls or other architectural features to the front facade in order to provide articulation and design interest to the overall development. Facade selection must be of a modern or contemporary nature and of non-specific period architecture, which means homes that display a historic style such as federation or colonial, for example, may not be permitted.

Base facades from builder’s range are not permitted.

Period architecture may not be permitted

Architecture should be contemporary

This is further detailed in the “Colours and Materials ” section of this guideline.

Aluminium sliding windows will not be permitted to street elevations.

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C O R N E R LO T S • Corner lots are high impact lots as they have two street frontages which are highly visible. •  Special attention to both street frontages must be given to homes selected for corner lots in the form of articulation, materials and finishes. •  Architectural elements, materials and colours selected to the main facade must be introduced to the secondary frontage. Examples of these could be verandahs, pergolas or projecting elements which can be extended and wrapped around as features to the secondary facade. •  Attention to the type and style of windows must be given to ensure uniformity of primary and secondary facades. •  Corner treatment needs to be extended approximately 4m to 5m behind the primary front setback to achieve quality corner presentation to both street frontages.

When building on corner lots, consider both street frontages. Continue materials and finishes that are used on the main street frontage around to the secondary street facade. Architectural detailing and finishes should extend approximately 4m to 5m behind the primary front setback.

4m – 5m

G A R A G E To ensure that the garage is not dominant and does not overpower the rest of the front facade, the garage will need to be setback a minimum 1000mm from the main body of the house. The garage door is to either be panel lift or tilt-a-door style.


• Well articulated roof designs are strongly encouraged for Anambah Rise. •  Hipped and gabled roofs are to have a minimum roof pitch of 22.5 degrees. Other roof styles such as skillion and parapet style facades will be considered on their merit. •  Not only for visual street appeal but to also assist with your energy requirements for Council approval, all homes in Anambah Rise will be required to have 450mm eaves as a minimum. However, there will be instances where this may be waived, such as building on zero lots or where the design and facade shows architectural merit by not having eaves.

C O L O U R S A N D M A T E R I A L S A W E L L D E S I G N E D A N D A R T I C U L AT E D F A C A D E C O N T R I B U T E S S U B S TA N T I A L LY TO T H E S T R E E T C H A R A C T E R O F A C O M M U N I T Y . By utilising a mix of materials in a variety of ways, visual interest is created when viewing your home from the street. Our key objective is to have an estate that is visually cohesive and ultimately provides high quality streetscapes. The colour selection for your home must be complementary to the local area and reflect muted natural and earthy tones. Colours should take their hue from the Australian environment, with accents of colour to architectural features only.


The front of your home should incorporate: • A variation of materials, both light weight and masonry (masonry must be the dominant material in either face brick or render) • A variation of colours and materials • A feature material eg: stone, tile, feature face brick, render or light weight cladding

The facade to your home must not: • Be entirely face brick

Light weight material

All homes in Anambah Rise must have a minimum of two materials, finishes or colours incorporated into the front facade. These materials or finishes to be incorporated into the front facades can be stone, tile, light weight cladding, render or feature brick panels .



Main body material

Accent materials

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R O O F C O L O U R / M A T E R I A L

The roof must be constructed from either Colorbond or a low profile/flat roof tiles to ensure consistency and coherence throughout the development.

Recommended Metal Roof Colours

Colorbond Monument

Colorbond Wallaby

Colorbond Ironstone

Colorbond Basalt

Colorbond Woodland Grey

Colorbond Jasper

Colorbond Gully

Colorbond Dune

Colorbond Surfmist

Colorbond Shale Grey

Colorbond Windspray

Recommended Tiled Roof Profiles and Colours

Boral Vogue Twillight

Boral Vogue or Contour Charcoal Grey

Boral Vogue or Contour Shale

Boral Vogue or Contour Gunmetal

Boral Contour Peat

Boral Contour Walnut

Tiles are to be non-reflective with a non-glazed finish, to avoid glare. Multi-coloured tiles are not permitted.

Galvanised or zinc roofs are not permitted.

F A S C I A / G U T T E R S / D OWN P I P E S •  Fascia and gutter colours should match the colour of the roof material to emphasise the roof and eaves as a unified building element. • Downpipes should not be highlighted and should be coloured to blend in with the adjacent walls.

F A C E B R I C K Face brick must be smooth finish in a single colour.

Recommended Brick Colours and Finishes

Examples of Brick Colours and Finishes that are not permitted

Blended or mottled patterned bricks and bricks with red tones are not permitted.

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A C C E N T M AT E R I A L S / C O LO U R S Accent materials/colours need to complement the main materials and be used to express individuality for your home. In these architectural elements strong colour can be used to highlight features.

Recommended Main Body Taubmans Paint Colours

Apache Stone

Little Hollow



Shale Grey

Hidden Peak

Coach House


Storm Front


Recommended Accent Taubmans Paint Colours (eg. columns, blades, cladding)



Star Anise


Old Silver

Green Tea

Bears Foot

Winter Ice

Vintage White


Recommended Front Door Taubmans Paint Colours

Mountain Wine Belgian Chocolate

Poinciana Red

Green Dynasty

Deep Ocean

River Forest

Miss Molly


Some stronger colours may be used to feature elements such as front doors, preferably using hues from Australian flora. Primary or bright colours to prominent facade elements will not be permitted. Front doors can be stained from our selected range.

D R I V E WAY S Driveway colours must complement the colours chosen for the home. Stencilled or patterned driveways are not permitted.

G A R A G E D O O R •  The garage door is not to be a dominant feature of the home and should not take away from the main facade. •  The garage door colour is to be complementary to the front facade and the overall colour palette of the home.

Recommended Garage Door Colours

Colorbond Monument

Colorbond Wallaby

Colorbond Ironstone

Colorbond Basalt

Colorbond Woodland Grey

Colorbond Jasper

Colorbond Gully

Colorbond Caoba

Colorbond Cedar

Colorbond Surfmist

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D R I V E WAY S •  Driveways should be offset from the side boundary by a minimum of 500mm and a garden bed should be provided between the driveway and boundary. L E T T E R B OX E S •  Letterboxes must be masonry with either face brick or render to match your home.  Freestanding metal or timber letterboxes will not be permitted. H A R D S C A P E A R E A •  Minimising the amount of hardscape area to the front yard will lead to a softer landscape feel to the development. •  Driveways and paths to the front entry are the only hardscape areas permitted in the front yard. Driveways must comply with Council’s Development Control Plan and paths must be a maximum width of 1000mm. L A N D S C A P I N G YO U R N EW H O M E W I L L B E E N H A N C E D BY T H E Q U A L I T Y O F L A N D S CA P I N G , S O W I T H T H I S I N M I N D , T H E R E A R E S E V E R A L A R E A S O F L A N D S CA P I N G WH E R E CA R E F U L AT T E N T I O N S H O U L D B E G I V E N I N O R D E R TO AC H I E V E A Q U A L I T Y S T R E E T S CA P E .

S O F T S C A P E A R E A •  We recommend extensive use of soft landscaping to the front yard.

•  Boundaries should be defined by the planting of screening plants or low hedges along boundaries. The selection of drought tolerant plant species is highly encouraged.

S C R E E N I N G •  To minimise the visual impact of unattractive building service equipment, where practicable, items such as hot water systems, air conditioning units, garbage bins and rainwater tanks should not be visible from the street. •  Where this is not achievable through design, timber or metal screening will be required to limit the visual impact of these services. This should be completed as part of your landscape works. R E TA I N I N G WA L L S •  Retaining walls need to have a positive impact on the development and complement your home. •  All retaining walls in the front yard or in areas visible from the street are to be masonry with colours and finishes matching those on the front facade of your home. Timber retaining walls, including sleepers or logs are not permitted to the front of your block or in areas that are visible from the street or public areas.

S I D E A N D R E A R F E N C E S •  In order to maintain uniformity throughout Anambah Rise, a common material for inter-allotment fencing is required. Side and rear boundary fencing should be lapped timber fencing. •  Side boundary fencing should be set back a minimum one metre behind the building line. Fence height will be 1.8 metres high. •  Where a residential lot abuts the rural landscape zone, perimeter fencing to such residential lots shall consist of open, rural style fencing for the length of the zone interface.


Yes No NA

Does your home have a contemporary facade and not resemble any period style architecture? Is your home energy efficient and have 450mm eaves? If your home is on a corner lot, does the architectural features/materials/finishes address both street frontages? Is your garage fitted with either a panel lift or tilt-a-door?

Is the pitch of the roof on your new home a minimum of 22.5 degrees?

Have you included a minimum of two materials, finishes or colours to the front facade of you new home? Have you selected a roof tile that is low profile?

Have you selected a roof colour (tile or Colorbond) from the recommended range?

Does the fascia and gutter match the roof colour?

Is the brick colour you selected for your new home in keeping with the recommended range? Does your driveway finish and colour comply with the recommended pattern and colour? Is there a minimum clearance of 500mm between the driveway and side boundary for planting Is your letterbox of masonry construction and does the colour/finish complement your homes finishes? Are the materials chosen for your retaining walls in keeping with the Design Guidelines? Are your services (air conditioning unit, hot water system, bins) screened from the street? Is your inter-allotment fencing lapped timber? Does your residential lot abut the rural landscape zone? If so, does the perimeter fencing consist of open, rural style fencing for the length of the zone interface?

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It should be noted that meeting the Design Guidelines document and securing an approval from the Developer does not constitute an approval fromCouncil or certification from an Accredited Certification Authority. In the event that the Developer allows a variation from the Design Guidelines, the variation will neither set a precedent nor imply that the approval will be repeated by the Developer or supported by an Accredited Certification Authority or Council. E&OE 05/21

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