Anambah Rise Design Guidelines

D R I V E WAY S Driveway colours must complement the colours chosen for the home. Stencilled or patterned driveways are not permitted.

G A R A G E D O O R •  The garage door is not to be a dominant feature of the home and should not take away from the main facade. •  The garage door colour is to be complementary to the front facade and the overall colour palette of the home.

Recommended Garage Door Colours

Colorbond Monument

Colorbond Wallaby

Colorbond Ironstone

Colorbond Basalt

Colorbond Woodland Grey

Colorbond Jasper

Colorbond Gully

Colorbond Caoba

Colorbond Cedar

Colorbond Surfmist

A N A M B A H R I S E , H U N T E R R E G I O N | 13

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