Anambah Rise Design Guidelines

D R I V E WAY S •  Driveways should be offset from the side boundary by a minimum of 500mm and a garden bed should be provided between the driveway and boundary. L E T T E R B OX E S •  Letterboxes must be masonry with either face brick or render to match your home.  Freestanding metal or timber letterboxes will not be permitted. H A R D S C A P E A R E A •  Minimising the amount of hardscape area to the front yard will lead to a softer landscape feel to the development. •  Driveways and paths to the front entry are the only hardscape areas permitted in the front yard. Driveways must comply with Council’s Development Control Plan and paths must be a maximum width of 1000mm. L A N D S C A P I N G YO U R N EW H O M E W I L L B E E N H A N C E D BY T H E Q U A L I T Y O F L A N D S CA P I N G , S O W I T H T H I S I N M I N D , T H E R E A R E S E V E R A L A R E A S O F L A N D S CA P I N G WH E R E CA R E F U L AT T E N T I O N S H O U L D B E G I V E N I N O R D E R TO AC H I E V E A Q U A L I T Y S T R E E T S CA P E .

S O F T S C A P E A R E A •  We recommend extensive use of soft landscaping to the front yard.

•  Boundaries should be defined by the planting of screening plants or low hedges along boundaries. The selection of drought tolerant plant species is highly encouraged.

S C R E E N I N G •  To minimise the visual impact of unattractive building service equipment, where practicable, items such as hot water systems, air conditioning units, garbage bins and rainwater tanks should not be visible from the street. •  Where this is not achievable through design, timber or metal screening will be required to limit the visual impact of these services. This should be completed as part of your landscape works. R E TA I N I N G WA L L S •  Retaining walls need to have a positive impact on the development and complement your home. •  All retaining walls in the front yard or in areas visible from the street are to be masonry with colours and finishes matching those on the front facade of your home. Timber retaining walls, including sleepers or logs are not permitted to the front of your block or in areas that are visible from the street or public areas.

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