Dr. Aamir Liaquat, you are a trendsetter, game show to morning show host, a politician, author, journalist, debater, a rating magnet & titled as the Superstar Televangelist of Pakistan by New York Times, is there anything you haven't achieved yet? Yes indeed, there is always one thing that I haven't achieved yet, and that is that I haven't become the Prime Minister of Pakistan yet, but when I become the Prime Minister of Pakistan, then I'll feel that I have achieved everything in life. What is the one rare quality of yours, according to you, that has helped you achieve heights in your profession & life? Well. There are 2 Rare Qualities of Mine, First is that I do not hate any religion and I never say Non-Muslims, as I do not like this word at all, I also state it as Other Faith and I always invite all leaders of all the religions on the 27th of Ramadan in my transmission, My other rare quality is that I always stand for everyone in their lows, without even thinking that it may damage me and I got damaged many times, I helped someone and I got damaged, you guys may have seen that a girl is claiming to be my 3rd wife, this is very hurting, When the EarthQuake Incident happened in Azad Kashmir, I was the one who was on the ground and helping others, whenever there is massive rain, I always come on ground and help others, and recently in COVID, I was working day and night to help others. This is me. QUESTION 02
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