2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains & Southeast Resource Guide CV

Creating a Mix Equivalent to Specticle ® Total for Small Sprayers Specticle Total, a combination of two non-selective herbicides plus a powerful preemergent herbicide in indaziflam, can be easily mixed in a backpack or small sprayer for use in both landscapes and hardscapes to control existing weeds and provide up to 6 months residual control. Due to the recent supply shortage, here is a quick reference guide for creating your own mix that’s equivalent to Specticle Total for different size sprayers and application spray volumes.

 Equivalent Specticle Total components – add Specticle FLO first and make sure it is well suspended

Sprayer Size

Application spray volume


1 gallon

4 gallons

10 gallons

25 gallons

Specticle FLO

0.21 fl oz

0.8 fl oz

2.1 fl oz

5.2 fl oz

1 gallon per 1000 sq ft (43.5 gal per acre)


7.5 fl oz

30 fl oz

75 fl oz

187 fl oz


0.35 fl oz

1.4 fl oz

3.5 fl oz

8.8 fl oz

Specticle FLO

0.14 fl oz

0.6 fl oz

1.4 fl oz

3.5 fl oz

1.5 gallons per 1,000 sq ft (65.2 gallons per acre)


5 fl oz

20 fl oz

50 fl oz

125 fl oz


0.23 fl oz

0.9 fl oz

2.3 fl oz

5.8 fl oz

Specticle FLO

0.11 fl oz

0.4 fl oz

1.0 fl oz

2.6 fl oz

2 gallons per 1,000 sq ft (87 gallons per acre)


3.7 fl oz

15 fl oz

37.5 fl oz

94 fl oz


0.18 fl oz

0.7 fl oz

1.8 fl oz

4.4 fl oz

*Glyphosate – calculated with a 41% active ingredient formulation **Diquat – calculated with a 37.3% active ingredient formulation

 Need more info? - Contact your Bayer Area Sales Manager if you need assistance

Bayer Environmental Science, a Division of Bayer CropScience LP, 5000 Centre Green Way, Suite 400, Cary, NC 27513. For additional product information call toll free 1-800-331-2867. Bayer and the Bayer Cross are registered trademarks of Bayer ©2022 Bayer CropScience LP

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