2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains & Southeast Resource Guide CV

Aggressive seedhead of annual bluegrass allows exponential spread if left untreated in the fall. (Bayer)

Annual bluegrass can germinate over a wide range of temperatures, so a preemergence herbicide is needed for most effective control. (Bayer)

Month January Week36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 1 2 3 September October November December

Prioritized Options

Priority Explanation

1 PRE3 2 Specticle ® FLO 3 fl oz/A + Tribute ® Total 1 oz/A + 3 Simazine 1 lb ai/A + NIS 0.25% v/v

1 PRE3 2 Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A + Simazine 1 lb ai/A Apply 30-45 days after previous application

// Most Consistent Control // Resistance Management // Control through April


1 PRE3 2 Specticle FLO 6 fl oz/A + Tribute Total 1 oz/A + 3 Simazine 1 lb ai/A + NIS 0.25% v/v

// Most Consistent Control // Resistance Management // Control through April


including annual blue-eyed grass


// Control through April

2 Specticle FLO 9 fl oz/A

Sand >85% or Soil Organic Matter <0.1%

1 PRE3 2 Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A + Tribute Total 1 oz/A + 3 Simazine 1 lb ai/A + NIS 0.25% v/v

1 PRE3 2 Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A + Simazine 1 lb ai/A Apply 30-45 days after previous application

// Most Consistent Control // Resistance Management // Control through April


including annual blue-eyed grass

2 Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A Apply 30-45 days after previous application

2 Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A Apply 30-45 days after previous application


// Control through April

2 Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A

1 Read and follow all label directions especially with regards to applications around cool-season turf. Allow spray to dry prior to irrigation or rainfall. 2 Do not apply if turf injury is present and assess turf quality before each applica- tion. Do not apply during periods of excessive soil moisture. 3 In Florida, make application after first frost if a history of slight phytotoxicity from simazine.


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