Crabgrass germinates when soil temperatures average 55°F and is best controlled with the preemeregnce herbicides Ronst~ or Specticlee. (Bayer)
Goosegrass germinates usually a couple of weeks later than crabgrass. Ronstar- is an industry standard for goosegrass control, plus It alows sprigging into an application because it is absort>ed by the shoots and not roots. (Bayer) jlji/· ·••mmmmm ·mmmmm,
Pnority Explanation
'Roostar" FLO 102-122 fl oz/A (2.5-3 lb aVA) 1 11 using Ronstar FLO on dormant turf, a non-selective herbicide like Roundup• could be Included) or 2Ronstar on Fertilizer 3 lb aVA '·'Ronstar FLO 81 fl oz/A (2 lb ai/A) (if using Ronstar FLO on dormant turf, a non-selective herbicide like Roundup could be Included) 'Ronstar FlO 102-122 fl 02/A (2.5-3 lb aVA) [If using Ronstar FLO on dormant turf, a non-selective herbicide like Roundup could be included) or 2Ronstar on Fertilizer 3 lb aVA '~Ronstar FLO81 fl 02/A (2 lb aLIA) [If using Ronstar FLO on dormant turf, a non-selective herbicide like RoundUp could be included)
'Specticle• FLO 6 fl oz/A or Ronstar on Fertilizer 2 lb aVA
Control through August
Apply 90 days after previous application
Rlf Ronstar-resistant goosegrass sites Control through August
3 Specticle FLO 9 fl oz/A Apply at 50% Turf Green Up
3Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A Apply 90 days after previous application
Spectide FLO 3 fl oz/A Apply 30-45 days after previous application
Control through August
For Ronstar-resistant goosegrass sites control through August
3 Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A Apply 30-45 days after previous application
'Specticie FLO 3 fl oz/A Apply 30-45 days after previous application
3Specticle FLO 3 fl oz/A Apply at 50% Turf Green Up
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