2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains & Southeast Resource Guide CV

TAKE-ALL ROOT ROT Scan the Code for more information including: • Disease ID photos • Symptoms • Conditions favoring disease • and more

SPRING DEAD SPOT Scan the Code for more information including: • Disease ID photos • Symptoms • Conditions favoring disease • and more

Management Tips:

Management Tips:

• Maintain soil pH below 7; most turfgrasses perform best when soil pH is between 6 and 6.5. • Avoid lime applications unless directed by soil test results. • Reduce turf stress by increasing mowing height, providing adequate

fertility, and minimizing mechanical wear. • Implement a nematicide program if populations are at damaging levels • Cultivate regularly to increase soil aeration and root growth. • Improve soil drainage and avoid over-irrigation.

• Avoid high amounts of late-summer or fall applications of nitrogen fertilizers. Modest amounts of nitrogen (i.e., < 0.75 lb N/ 1,000 ft 2 ) in late summer do not appear to enhance the disease.

• It is very important to control competing weeds in affected turf to enhance recovery of patches. • Improve drainage and reduce thatch.

Application Notes: • Make first application in late summer/early fall when 3-day average soil temperature declines below 80°F (typically Aug-Sept). • Make subsequent applications on a 28-day interval in the sequence provided above. • All applications must be watered-in immediately with at least 0.15" of irrigation. This program of applications is targeted to prevent take-all root rot, spring dead spot. This program also has been shown to improve the winter quality and spring green-up of bermudagrass putting greens.

Scan the Code to sign up for

soil temperature alerts for each of these destructive diseases or visit: GreenCastOnline.com/AgronomicAlerts

Prevent Spring Dead Spot + Take-all Root Rot with a Program Approach • Follow the management tips above and the prescribed solution with application timing & product use rates recommended for effective control on bermudagrass greens in AL, AR, GA, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA. •  Follow Syngenta soil temperature alerts and initiate applications when 3-day average soil

temperature declines below 80°F. Make sequential applications on a 28-day interval. • All applications must be watered-in immediately with at least 0.15" of irrigation.

• If breakthrough occurs, it is at the Syngenta Territory Managers discretion as to what product to provide for rescue treatment and when or if spot treatment or broadcast treatment is required. Breakthrough is defined as appearance of spring dead spot or take-all root rot symptoms (confirmed by samples submitted to a diagnostic lab to confirm spring dead spot or take-all root rot) to levels that negatively impact the uniformity and playability of putting surfaces. Claims must be completed by May 1, 2023 with a territory manager. • The Assurance is limited to providing product for up to two recovery applications for the acres originally treated.

©2022 Syngenta. Important: Always read and follow label instructions. Some products may not be registered for sale or use in all states or counties and/or may have state-specific use requirements. Please check with your local extension service to ensure registration and proper use. Briskway ® , GreenCast ® , GreenTrust ® , Headway ® , Posterity ® , the Alliance Frame, the Purpose Icon and the Syngenta logo are trademarks of a Syngenta Group Company.

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