2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains & Southeast Resource Guide CV

WeevilTrak Annual Bluegrass Weevil Assurance

The keys to successful ABW control includes:

The annual bluegrass weevil (ABW) is the most troublesome insect for golf course superintendents in the northeastern and mid- Atlantic U.S., and its impact continues to spread.

¼ Targeting overwintered adults and early first-generation larvae ¼ Using the Optimum Control Strategy products at the proper timing to target multiple life stages ¼ Rotating modes of action for resistance management ¼ Monitoring ABW activity through Weeviltrak.com

Missing the opportunity to control ABW in early spring often means dealing with them all summer. To help ensure your course is free from damage, Syngenta provides the turf industry’s only season-long assurance for control of ABW by following the Annual Bluegrass Weevil Optimum Control Strategy and WeevilTrak SM .

WeevilTrak is supported by 11 leading entomologists, turfgrass consultants, and superintendents to track ABW all season by monitoring:

¼ Timing of first appearance of ABW adults

¼ Development of ABW larvae

¼ Phenological plant indicators

¼ Growing Degree Day (GDD) accumulations

Annual Bluegrass Weevil Optimum Control Strategy This research assures the proper application timing specifically for each product outlined in the Optimum Control Strategy and drives the WeevilTrak alerts (text and email) as well as the 250+ blog posts.

STAGE 1: Overwintered Adults

STAGE 2: Early Instar (inside of stem)

STAGE 3: Asynchronous Larvae (inside and outside of the stem)

Scimitar ® GC 10 fl. oz./A

Acelepryn ® 12 fl. oz./A

Ference ® 12 fl. oz./A


Follow WeevilTrak email and text alerts in conjunction with your own scouting

Phenological indicator: Forsythia: half green, half gold

Phenological indicator: Dogwood: in full bloom

Phenological indicator: Rhododendron catawbiensis: in full bloom


Watering-in Allow to dry on leaf before watering Water-in within 24 hours with 0.1”

Water-in prior to mowing


Prevents early egg-laying by overwintered ABW females. If ABW populations at your course have proven resistance to pyrethroids, contact your Syngenta Territory manager for recommendations.

Apply Acelepryn at egg lay to ensure it is in the plant prior to larvae feeding. This application also provides: Season-long control of all white grubs and turf caterpillars.

Ference is ideal at this timing to control all larval stages due to its long residual control and high solubility so it moves

into the plant faster than other leading insecticides.

Scimitar GC is a Restricted Use Pesticide.

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