2022 Harrell's Coastal Plains & Southeast Resource Guide CV


' ·' Harrell's J J GrowingaBetterWorld•


~IIIIIII Controlling Important Pests

Mole crickets can cause damage over many months in the southeast US. (Bayer)

Turf damage from mole crickets is a result of their tunneling which can thin turf and lead to weed infestation. (Bayer)

~IIIIIIIIII Mole Crickets Mole crickets are subterranean insects and are among the most destructive turf pests in the Southeastern U.S. Their tunneling and root feeding activities can be extremely damaging and create thin turf that is open to weed invasion. Control // Chipco®Choice+is the longest-lasting mole cricket insecticide on the market. // Chipco Choice+is slit-applied by licensed applicators providing dependable season-long mole cricket control. // Chipco Choice+ provides convenience in application timing compared to other insecticides due to its long residual activity.


Product and Rate

Target Stages

Overwintering adults Newly-hatched nymphs Tunneling adults and nymphs

Chipco®Choice+ 12-25 lbs/A

The Bayer Mole Cricket Program provides control for up to 12 months. If your Bayer Mole Cricket Program perfor- mance expectations are not met, just contact your Bayer Distributor or Bayer Area Sales Manager.

·CHIPCO CHOICE IS A RESTRICTED USE PESTICIDES DUE TO TOXICITY TO AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES. For retail sale to and use only by Certified Applicators or persons under their direct supervision and only for those uses covered by the Certified Applicator's certification.

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