ArborTimes Fall 2022

applied to protect against other flat- head borers such as bronze birch borer and two-lined chestnut borer the following spring. Other root-flare injectables to offer include chloro- sis treatments with macro-injected micronutrients, treatments for syc- amore anthracnose and oak wilt, or even last-minute fungicide injections Fall coloration and the subsequent se- nescence of leaves slams the brakes on tree injections, but technicians have until soil is frozen or overly sat- urated to do many soil-applied appli- cations—and there are plenty. Imida- cloprid is a fantastic option to control a broad range of insect pests, and thanks to its persistence within the plant for up to a year, application in the fall can help manage many plant pests that are active in the spring*. for Dutch elm disease. SOIL APPLICATIONS

Leafminer on boxwood, birch and hol- ly; adelgids on hemlock and spruce; honey locust plant bug; multiple spe- cies of whitefly and thrips; aphids and more are all pests that can be managed in this way. CULTURAL TREATMENTS Late season is also a great time to fo- cus on cultural treatments. Soil man- agement is commonly offered this time of year, but it focuses primarily on fertilization alone. When utilizing soil-testing services, air tools and simple hand tools, arborists can offer a much greater value to clients by de- compacting soils, amending and ad- justing nutrient deficiencies and pH levels, and removing girdling roots and excess soil over root flares. Plant-growth regulators (PGR) are an additional cultural treatment to help improve plant health. PGRs with

Arborists can offer a much greater value to clients with late-season cultural treatments. Photo courtesy of Rainbow Ecoscience.

24 | ArborTIMES Fall 2022

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