WGS Magazine May June 2024

effective, the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program must be as responsive to growers as possible. Western Growers supports the Specialty Crop Security Act, which will ensure the program can sufficiently meet the needs and priorities of our members.” Western Growers will advocate for S. 4168 to be included in Congress’s reauthorization of the Farm Bill, which is due this September. In the announcement, Senator Butler commented on the importance of California growers and the need for their voice: “California’s farmers produce nearly half of the country’s specialty crops and they deserve a seat at the table when state departments of agriculture make decisions about how to allocate funding that directly impacts them.” -Kara Timmins

WG Execs Speak at Immigration and Farm Labor Conference at UC Davis WG SVP and General Counsel Jason Resnick and WG SVP, Innovation Walt Duflock were panelists at the April 5 Immigration and Farm Labor Conference held at UC Davis’ Gifford Center for Population Studies. Resnick participated on a panel entitled “What’s Next for Immigration Policy?” while Duflock spoke regarding the “Future Demand for Farm Workers.” -Ann Donahue

New Voices of the Valley Podcast: Innovations in Cross- Border Health Care for Ag Workers Cross-border health care is growing in popularity as Mexico increasingly provides innovative, technologically advanced medical services at a cost-savings for employers. In fact, close to a million Americans cross the border every year to receive medical care in Mexico. In this episode of Voices of the Valley, Raquel Lugo, Senior Director of Client Services and Mexico Operations at Western Growers Assurance Trust, joins Michelle Rivera, Communications Manager, to talk about cross-border health care and the role it plays in providing accessible, convenient and high-quality medical services for those who grow and harvest our food. Voices of the Valley can be accessed on all of the major podcast platforms, as well as YouTube. By liking, subscribing and giving a review on the podcast, you will be entered into a drawing to receive a much-coveted WG-branded Stanley from the Western Growers Communications and Marketing team. Show your support for a chance to win! -Michelle Rivera Western Growers Next-Gen Ag Students are Ready for Internship Opportunities Are you ready to hire an intern? In a coordinated effort between Western Growers and growers to identify key skill needs within fresh-produce agriculture, students throughout California have completed industry-specific college-level coursework. Students who have acquired the number of credits to qualify for internships are now ready for opportunities. Western Growers is also offering to offset internship costs by reimbursing $3,000 of a hired intern’s salary (about 40 percent). For more information, contact Carrie Peterson at cpeterso@yccd.edu or (209) 602-4288. – Kara Timmins

U.S. Senators Laphonza Butler and Susan Collins Introduce the Specialty Crops Security Act of 2024 On April, the Specialty Crops Security Act of 2024 (S. 4168) was introduced by U.S. Senators Laphonza Butler (D-Calif.) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), which increases funding for the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) and ensures specialty crop farmers have a say in how the funding is spent. According to the press release, this legislation will “increase the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Specialty Crop Block Grant (SCBG) program authorization from $85 to $100 million per year and expand opportunities for specialty crop stakeholders to provide input into how program funding is used by state departments of agriculture.” Speaking on the value of this act, Western Growers President & CEO Dave Puglia stated, “The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program is one of the few sources of dedicated federal funding for the fresh produce industry. This program can provide our specialty crop growers with opportunities for food safety research, workforce development and water supply innovation. To be

37 Western Grower & Shipper | www.wga.com May | June 2024

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