SHOW TITLE: BEAR WITH ONE ANOTHER EMPHASIS: SCULPTURE ELLEN.M.CAMBRUZZI@GMAIL.COM My work serves as a medi tat ion on the int imate connect ions forged through exchanging charged personal narrat ives. This relat ional act becomes a condui t for enriching our understanding and appreciat ion of another person’s essence, whi le simul taneously reveal ing to us more of our own. In seeking interviews wi th signi f icant people in my l i fe I was able to empathet ical ly engage wi th them in some of their most format ional experiences. Using direct quotes from each person as a foundat ion, I have created sculptural responses to the stories they shared. The individual pieces are not meant to funct ion anecdotal ly but rather as expressions of insight gained through l istening to the di ff icul t and often painful circumstances unique to each person. The materials present in the works reference the part iculari ty of each story yet offer space for the broader contemplat ion of what i t is l ike to bear wi th someone through the uncomfortable complexi ty of seeking to deeply know and care for them.
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