SHOW TITLE: DEATH OR REST EMPHASIS: INTERDISCIPLINARY SKORINSUN@GMAIL.COM Here l ies the quest ion of what the weathering of our l ives is for. Some have tools to make their work easier, others only ingenui ty to bui ld their own solut ions; some have love overf lowing, some have empt iness. St i l l each l i fe resolves in the same way: a long l i fe f i l led wi th love and a l i fe short and harsh are both l ives ended. The violence of ended l i fe—of catastrophe—ratt les the l iving into enduring content ion wi th the meaning of defeat and the meaning of reward. On the eighth day, the day after the end, there may l ie death or rest . In memory of Carl B Sundberg, maker and teacher of many things.
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