Bachelor of Fine Arts Program Catalog 2015-2016

Being a human is a perpetual struggle between understanding who you are, and who you belong to. We strive to express our individual i ty in a group whi le surrounding ourselves wi th l ike-minded people. My work studies this dichotomy; how we express both our individual i ty and uni formi ty wi thin a methodology. Each individual makes their unique mark, and an impression of the communi ty emerges. The wooden canvas is an opportuni ty for you to express yoursel f and contribute to the artwork. By simply taking a nai l , hammer, and length of twine, and performing the ri tual of hammering the nai l , and stretching the twine from your mark to another, a network develops in complexi ty and beauty. It evolves unpredictably, document ing the marks and moods of individuals in a col lect ive space.


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