Bachelor of Fine Arts Program Catalog 2015-2016

In 1929, Edwin Hubble discovered that distant galaxies were moving apart from one another, and that the universe is exponent ial ly expanding. I f matter is growing apart , how do we make sense of the f ield in which i t grows into? How do we comprehend that overlooked space? This series of works present visual interpretat ions of di fferent scient i f ic theories of the universe’s development , as wel l as the macro and micro nature of matter. The body of work consists of ink blobs and miniscule, unpredictable l ines. I breathe BIC ink through the pen straws, which gives a speci f ic consistency. Each control led breath creates an uncontrol led design. The mysterious negat ive space, the unexplored and forgotten outer space, is left ready to be exhaled upon.



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