Bachelor of Fine Arts Program Catalog 2015-2016

The Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A. ) degree in Art is the professional undergraduate degree that is highly desired by serious students intent on pursuing careers or advanced degrees in the visual arts. The program is designed to give art students f lexibi l i ty to choose from one of f ive emphases: design, paint ing, photography, sculpture, or interdiscipl inary. Design integrates a f ine arts perspect ive into a curriculum that emphasizes conceptual thinking and develops technical prof iciency in a variety of areas including print -based graphic design, web design and mot ion graphics. Paint ing embraces tradi t ional and non- tradi t ional approaches to drawing and paint ing whi le engaging students in current discourses wi thin the discipl ine. Photography focuses on integrat ing the ski l ls of black and whi te darkroom techniques wi th contemporary digi tal color pract ices to produce conceptual ly driven, photo-based art . Sculpture equips students to think creat ively whi le developing prof iciency in a variety of three-dimensional fabricat ion techniques including addi t ive and subtract ive processes, model ing, carving, mold-making and cast ing. The Interdiscipl inary emphasis al lows students f lexibi l i ty in developing a custom art curriculum that blends upper- level studio courses from mul t iple discipl ines.


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