Bachelor of Fine Arts Program Catalog 2015-2016

Anxiety is a mental disorder I have l ived wi th for the majori ty of my l i fe in varying degrees. Whether overwhelmingly crippl ing or stagnant ly l ingering in the back of my mind, i t has persisted. Anxiety l ives internal ly, wreaking havoc on the internal thought processes, rarely to exist in the external realm. The thought l i fe becomes cycl ical , at t imes, creat ing an impassable wal l f ixated on the idea of “what i f ”. The way in which anxiety exists makes i t di ff icul t for those who do not struggle wi th i t to understand the impact of i t . Through the form of video and sound I wi l l bring you into the internal struggle that exists on a dai ly basis as I walk through l i fe wi th anxiety.



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