Board Converting News, February 22, 2021


have for one another in new, transformative ways. This is a group that wants to celebrate together the way the in- dustry has responded to the unprecedented challenges that they have faced, and to work to assure the future of a brave, independent world. AICC’s Spring Meeting will pro- vide the best way to do that.” Visit to to register. GPI Joins MacArthur Foundation Circular Economy Network Atlanta, Georgia based Graphic Packaging International (GPI) has signed up to become a member of the world’s leading circular economy network, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. The Foundation states that ‘If the circular economy were adopted in just five key sectors (steel, aluminum, ce-

other associations did at the time. Those who wanted to attend were thankful we made that decision. There was an increased camaraderie among us, almost like kindred spirits that had all shared in a difficult experience together. We appreciated each other’s presence, and we were glad to be together.” Carman reiterated the safety measures being taken by the Association to protect members, saying, “AICC is work- ing very hard to plan this in-person and virtual convention, factoring in all safety protocols to protect members and still ‘make it happen’ for those who wish to attend.” Mike D’Angelo sees AICC’s 2021 Spring Meeting as a fitting culmination of a “transformative” year for the indus- try and thus it provides members with one of the first op- portunities to reconnect. “Throughout the past year I have seen the respect, care and regard that AICC members

ment, plastic and food), annual greenhouse gas emissions could fall by 9.3 billion tons of CO2e in 2050, equivalent to eliminating all transport emissions globally.’ The organization’s mission is to acceler- ate the transition to a circular economy by keeping products and materials in use and out of waste streams, supporting the en- vironment and protecting it for the future. Graphic Packaging’s innovative solutions are closely aligned with sustainability trends, and the company’s participation in the network demonstrates its commitment to engaging with key organizations and businesses to en- courage greater circularity in packaging. Ricardo De Genova, Senior Vice President, Global Innovation and New Business Devel- opment at Graphic Packaging, said, “We’re delighted to become a member of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. Graphic Packaging has consistently supported brands and re- tailers to increase their use of renewable and recyclable materials in product packaging. Joining the Foundation enables us to support packaging supply chains as they make the transition towards greater adoption of circular innovation.” “Joining the Ellen MacArthur Foundation is another step in our sustainability journey. Engaging in wider discussions on the circular economy will support our Vision 2025 goals, which include achieving 100 percent recy- clability of our packaging solutions,” stated Andrew Johnson, Vice President, Govern- ment Affairs and Sustainability at GPI. Founded by Dame Ellen MacArthur, the Foundation sets out to ultimately close the loop and create improved circular economic models to protect the planet.


February 22, 2021

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