Board Converting News, February 22, 2021


setting when checking on percentage of bale made – nev- er leaving their forklifts. More information is stored on the PLC including the manual. “Demand for larger faster balers in the corrugated plants has created new units. For years, American Baler has offered the 4029NN-10T30, featuring a 40-inch by 30- inch chute opening, 10-inch cylinder and a 10-second cycle time, as its fastest corrugated baler. We now go to a 100 hp, twin 50 with a 50-inch by 30-inch chute in nine sec- onds. For even greater capacity we move to a wide body auto tie, featuring a 60-inch by 42-inch feed opening, 10- inch cylinder, 100 hp with 50 percent more capacity. As our customer demand more productivity, we deliver. As the demand for faster machines increase we have switched many customers from the 100# boxes to bulk wire, bi-level stands, decreasing the time to switch out wire as well as the space needed for the large bulk wire stubs. “Besides faster balers we have also made them saf- er. American Balers meet all ANSI standards, but are also Category 3, which requires safety switches on all access points – keeping your employees safer. For your insurance requirements on fire controls, we feature a fused link that detects temperatures above 140 degree Fahrenheit (flame CONTINUED ON PAGE 32

Bellevue, Ohio: Mike Schwinn, reports, “American Balers have been in high demand in the corrugated/converting

plants. Customers love the speed, power, and heavy bales. American Baler was the first to use the single tension system to create superior tension, which creates heavier bal- ers. Not only does it work better than multiple rings of individual tension cylinders – customers benefit from

Mike Schwinn

less down time and cylinder repairs. Heavier bales mean less material handling cost, less wire cost, less power us- age, less storage space. “The auto tie system on American Balers is unique in that the inserter goes across the bale and pulls the wire to the near side for twisting and tying. Competitors all try to push the wire to the far side and tie and twist. Pulling a rope is easier than pushing one. Same applies for wire ties. American Balers also feature a tier on casters, that rotates open for quick inspection and cleaning, to assure for effective ties. “New at American Baler is an expanded 10-inch Exor eSMART-Touch Screen. Operators can use the ‘large text’


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February 22, 2021

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