Winter 2018 - Budget Allocation Increase Requests & Supplem…

migration of hard-bound back issues of journals to digital back-files with concomitant hosting fees; and 3) a conversion of part of Government Publications from hard-bound to digital files with hosting fees. Each will be discussed independently. We are seeking $161,176 in salary and benefits to support a full-time Associate Dean. It is clear that the operations of the library require a full-time Associate Dean regardless of the outcome of the current discussion on consolidating the positions of Dean of the University Libraries and Dean of Graduate Studies and Research. Library operations are more complex than faced by previous generations of librarians, and the library has also seen a significant reduction in faculty and staff from its high in 1970 of 68 full-time staff to the current level of 43 full-time staff. Additionally, the increased focus on the library as a commons area for interaction among students and faculty, along with the housing of units within the library that are under the aegis of other university divisions, requires an administrator readily available to interact with these units. There are also the day-to-day operational needs of the library that must be addressed. Currently an excessive amount of the Dean’s time must be devoted to these areas making it difficult for the Dean to actively engage in those outward facing activities required to support a modern 21 st century library. A full-time Associate Dean will permit the Dean to engage more successfully in these activities. We are seeking $525,000 to accomplish a one-time complete migration of all appropriate serial holdings from hard-bound copies to digital copies. This migration includes the purchase of the serial holdings and the required hosting fees. While listed as discretionary in the proposed budget, if the migration is accomplished, the $25,000 required for hosting fees will become a non-discretionary cost. This migration will significantly move the library to a 21 st century operation. It will reduce the number of volumes currently occupying physical space permitting repurposing of that space for other educational activities. Furthermore, it will make a much larger proportion of our holdings available to all of CWU’s students on a 24/7/365 basis. This should assist with retention of current students. Moreover, it may then be possible to reduce some duplication in holdings where we have hard- bound copies both at a regional center and in the Brooks Library, again assisting in retention and completion for students on our regional centers. Finally, we are seeking $167,000 for the migration and hosting of various Government Publications. The rationale for this migration is substantively the same as for our serials request, as well as, the need to reduce the weight load on the library’s third floor. Upon completion of this initial migration, an assessment will be made as to whether there would be additional benefit in migrating other parts of this collection.

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