Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine


Summer 2024: Take Stock. Set Boundaries. Have Fun.


come up with solutions you may have not con- sidered in the past. You’ll also find friends who are willing to sup- port you as you resolve matters in your life. When the new Moon

With the Sun and the warm weather of summer there’s always this sense of intense energy surrounding you. Yet, a lot of the energy swirling around during these summer months beckons you to review past events, understand their impact on your life, and determine what actions you want to make as a result of those events so you can confi - dently move forward with your life. As the month of June begins, Jupiter in Gemini forms a trine to Pluto retrograde in Aquarius on June 2, 2024. Jupiter only entered the sign of Gemini on May 25th, so you’re still getting used to its ener - gy right now and feel confused on how to proceed. Meanwhile, Pluto retrograde is moving backwards and will leave the sign of Aquarius on September 1st to return to Capricorn, so you’re feeling that something from your past is grabbing back at you and you will need to deal with it very soon. Jupiter represents the desire to break the rules so you can move forward with new adventures in your life. But when Jupiter is in the sign of Gemini, it’s easy to get distracted. As a matter of fact, one of the best statements made representing Jupiter in the sign of Gemini is “I digress.” Meanwhile, Pluto can indicate your ability to know your - self and your needs on all levels, or your ability to block information from your conscious mind you find extremely painful or doesn’t fit your worldview. With Jupiter forming a trine to Pluto retrograde, you have more confidence. It’s easier to handle any difficult matters. If you’ve been avoiding something, you’ll be able to take care of it now. If it’s some- thing new that crops up, you’ll feel as if you already took care of it. Where normally Jupiter in Gemini can leave you feeling scattered, not so today. Your ability to get distracted will actually work in your favor. You’ll be able to see situations from different points of view. You’ll

occurs on June 6th, the energy of Gemini is ex- tremely strong as Jupi- ter, Mercury, the Moon, the Sun, and Venus are all found in this sign. Communication is very important. You want to understand what’s go- ing on in your life and the lives of others. You feel optimistic about what you can achieve.

Since the new Moon indicates a time of the month to begin new ventures, you’ll find that extremely easy this day. It is the time to fol - low your passion. You’re able to bring more love and light into your life. You’re also able to increase your base of support with people in your personal and social groups. When the Summer Solstice occurs on June 20th, as the Sun enters the sign of Cancer, you understand the importance of family and sur- rounding yourself with individuals you love. At the same time, you feel

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Master Healer, Life Coach, Psychic & Medium Rob Pritchard Core Life Coaching Find Your Foundation in Life TAROT PSYCHIC MEDIUMSHIP READINGS

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PATHWAYS—Summer 24—15

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