Pathways SU24 Digital Magazine


Summer 2024 Astrology... ...continued from page 15

the need to hold back some of your public displays of affection. You don’t want that display to be misunderstood as weakness. As a matter of fact, you find you prefer to spend time with family and friends in a more intimate setting, such as your home. You don’t want to deal with strangers on planes or in recreational areas. The day after the Summer Solstice, you’ll see a full Moon on June 21st, which in some ways may echo the full Moon that occurs on July 21st. Both of these full Moons have the Sun in Cancer and the Moon in Capricorn. This means at the time of each of these full Moons you’ll find it important to focus on understanding your family needs while also realizing some of the responsibilities they expect of you are a little too demanding; you need to take that time to make your own needs known. During the time period of the June 21st full Moon, you need to be specific when you communicate with your family. You don’t want them to twist your words or to misunderstand the intent behind your words. You also need to set boundaries and stick to those boundaries. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself slipping back into taking on too many responsibilities. As the new Moon occurs on July 5th, you realize you want to renew your relationships with either younger members of your family or the matriarchs and patriarchs of your family. This is a great day to contact them and see how they are doing. You may even find, especially from older members of your family, some very important information that brings answers to some important questions you’ve had. Once again the Sun is in Cancer and the Moon is in Capricorn for the full Moon occurring on July 21st. This full Moon takes place just before the Sun leaves the sign of Cancer and enters the sign of Leo on July 22nd. While you may have tried to set boundaries with family members, there are still some individuals who are not respecting those boundaries. So July 22nd is a day to ask yourself some questions: Am I letting them manipulate me into doing something I don’t want? Or am I accepting this situation because it also benefits me? Your answers will determine if you need to reinforce those boundaries, or if you ac- tually do accept those responsibilities. You feel optimistic on August 4th when the new Moon occurs. With both the Sun and Moon in Leo, and Venus in Leo as well, you want to go out, bask in the Sun and have a lot of fun. You don’t want other people telling you not to take risks. Rather, you want to push the hot button on play and enjoy life. Situations start to feel as if they are slowing down as Mercury in Virgo turns retrograde on August 5th. It will re-enter the sign of Leo on August 14th and turn direct in the sign of Leo on August 28th. As Mercury starts its retrograde journey in the sign of Virgo, you decide perhaps it’s time to focus on health matters. You review your diet and research various exercise routines, and maybe even set some health goals. In addition, you do need to be more careful with your paperwork. When Mercury is in Virgo, there’s a tendency to be a bit sloppy with your daily routine. You don’t feel like filing anything. You find it more difficult to follow-up on meetings or discussions with individuals. And communication equipment could also become a problem, whether that’s your mobile phone, internet connection, or even computer soft- ware. But it’s not necessarily the time to upgrade any of these systems if you can possibly avoid it. As Mercury retrograde re-enters the sign of Leo on August 14th, the energy shifts from concern over your health or ignoring your pa- perwork to areas of your life where you question whether to take risks: Not a good time; or going out with friends — missed opportunities. What that means is you may try to create plans with friends, but some- how they don’t come together as easily as usual. This Mercury in Leo retrograde time period is a great time to con - sider activities that increase beauty in your life. You may want to re-

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continued on page 18

PATHWAYS—Summer 24—17

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